Monday, July 27, 2009

Accidentally Said Yes

Current mood:apathetic

Okay, this is about how Sarai accidentally agreed to go out with a guy who wasn't her boyfriend.

I was sitting in the BookStore with Pomme and Manami-chan. This guy comes in. He has been in before and last time we had a conversation about bibles. No problem.

He comes in while Pomme and Manami are in with me and just looks around, then leaves. (I'm going to call him J for this) Well, the girls leave to get me some food because I'm not feeling well and I've had like 2 hours of sleep.

After they leave J comes back in.

Keep in mind that I have had 2 hours or less of sleep, not mention that I was cramping like you wouldn't believe and I am really naive.

He says "I was to shy to ask you in front of your friends, but would you like to go and get a fountain drink with me after you get off work?"

I say "Sorry, I can't today."

He says "Will you be here tomorrow?" (meaning Friday, as this was Thursday)

I say "No, but I'll be here Saturday."

He says "That's cool. I'll see you on Saturday then"

He then asks how old I am. Anyone who knows me and this thing I have with age differences should have expected my answer.

I say "I'm 20 and I'll be 21 in September"

He says "That's cool, I'm 23."

I say "Oh, that's cool. That's not that big of an age difference. That works. Cool."

He says "Okay, well I'll see you on Saturday"

Then he walks out. After he walks out my brain catches up with my mouth.

I then proceed to call Manami and ask her if what I just did was agreeing to go out on a date. She and Pomme say yes.

Now, I'm sure you're wondering how I "accidentally" accepted a date with some guy. Well, I've never been asked out before Donnie. And he came right out and said "Do you want to be my girlfriend" so, having little experience in this area I accidentally agreed to a date.

On Saturday I explained to J that I couldn't go out on a "date" with him because I have a bf, but if he would still like to go as friends that would be fine. He totally lied and said that he had only asked me out as a friend because he needs some more.

Also, I could never go out with someone who hangs out with the person he hangs out with. Normally I don't judge by friends, because I have some crazy friends, but I know the guy (lets call him G) and he is a massive ASSHOLE! Not to mention that I am still watiting to cut off this guy's dick, because he was very mean to one of my friends.

So, that is how Sarai accidentally got a date.

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