One day there was a very bald frog who decided to buy a wig. He went to the first wig seller in the town and said, in a puffy frog voice,
"Good sir, I'm in search of a wig. Where should I go to find one?"
The wig seller told him of a pretty young maiden who played by a pond, she made wigs for anyone. So the bald frog went to the fair maiden for a wig.
"Fair maid," he said. "Will you make me a wig?"
"Yes, kind frog," she replied. "Only if you will do me a kindness."
She then asked him to find a pearl ring which she had lost somewhere in the never-ending wheat fields, their amber flooding the countryside of that kingdom.
So the frog went to find this ring. He searched and searched and searched again. But he could not find the ring. So he called upon a field mouse, a raven and a scarecrow to help him.
The field mouse found him a diamond necklace, lost by a princess of Russia.
The raven found a jade fan forgotten by a princess of Asia.
Finally, the Scarecrow found the pearl ring belonging to the maiden who made the wigs.
Upon asking for the ring, the scarecrow replied, "Ah dear frog, you must return this favor I have done for you. Introduce me to this maiden who makes wigs and I will give you the ring."
Seeing that he had no choice the frog took the scarecrow and introduced him to the maiden. Upon first sight the scarecrow fell in love with her. They kissed and the scarecrow was transformed into a handsome prince, one who had been enchanted for seven years.
So thankful were the two that they bestowed as many wigs as the frog could carry.
The end.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Sarai IS going to be okay...
first off, i want to thank everyone who posted a comment on my last blog. I appreciate the support.
I am not trying to be a bitch. I do know that I absolutely HATE this whole situation and that I am tired of all the shit.
I do understand my mom's reasons. I think I came across as being really bitchy about her decision. I know that I said I "almost" hated her. I don't hate her. No where near, but I was pissed about a bunch of things and that just added to the sorrow/pissyness. I miss my little sister, but part of it was that Hannah wanted to live with her father. And if that's what Hannah wants, then she should have that. I hope she will eventually change her mind. But my mom DID make the right decision.
Moving On. I spent the day with my lovely boyfriend and his family and my brother. It was good. I have blisters because I wore heels with the outfit that Donnie picked out. It was really nice and I love his grandmother and his sister. They are awesome! The rest of his family is pretty cool too, but those two are my favs. *giggles*
How was everyone else's thanksgiving?!
I am not trying to be a bitch. I do know that I absolutely HATE this whole situation and that I am tired of all the shit.
I do understand my mom's reasons. I think I came across as being really bitchy about her decision. I know that I said I "almost" hated her. I don't hate her. No where near, but I was pissed about a bunch of things and that just added to the sorrow/pissyness. I miss my little sister, but part of it was that Hannah wanted to live with her father. And if that's what Hannah wants, then she should have that. I hope she will eventually change her mind. But my mom DID make the right decision.
Moving On. I spent the day with my lovely boyfriend and his family and my brother. It was good. I have blisters because I wore heels with the outfit that Donnie picked out. It was really nice and I love his grandmother and his sister. They are awesome! The rest of his family is pretty cool too, but those two are my favs. *giggles*
How was everyone else's thanksgiving?!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Losing Hannah: The Final Chapter
My mother gave up custody of Hannah to Wes today.
I don't want to hear about having faith, I don't want to hear about how everything will work out, I don't want to hear any of the bullshit I know you are all going to tell me. Because I don't think I can stand it right now. I think if anyone sends me one note saying how they are sorry I will burst into tears or fly off the handle.
I feel like my heart got ripped out and then thrown into a meat grinder. I feel like everything is falling apart. I feel almost like nothing is worth living for. Don't worry, I won't do anything stupid. But I just need some time.
This is fucking ridiculous, all of it is. And its bullshit that we all have to go through this. I don't understand why my step-father has to be such a fucking bastard that he would rip us apart. Why is he destroying us like this? Why is he being like this?! What the fuck did we ever do to him? What did we do to deserve all this?
I hate him.
I hate God.
And right now I almost hate my mother.
I don't want to hear about having faith, I don't want to hear about how everything will work out, I don't want to hear any of the bullshit I know you are all going to tell me. Because I don't think I can stand it right now. I think if anyone sends me one note saying how they are sorry I will burst into tears or fly off the handle.
I feel like my heart got ripped out and then thrown into a meat grinder. I feel like everything is falling apart. I feel almost like nothing is worth living for. Don't worry, I won't do anything stupid. But I just need some time.
This is fucking ridiculous, all of it is. And its bullshit that we all have to go through this. I don't understand why my step-father has to be such a fucking bastard that he would rip us apart. Why is he destroying us like this? Why is he being like this?! What the fuck did we ever do to him? What did we do to deserve all this?
I hate him.
I hate God.
And right now I almost hate my mother.
We Lost (dA)
Journal Entry: Tue Nov 25, 2008, 9:34 PM
- Mood:
I feel like my heart just got ripped out of my chest and sent through a meat grinder.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Izanami (dA)
Journal Entry: Thu Nov 20, 2008, 11:10 PM So, I have been thinking about writing a poem and for once I did some research on it. Well more research than just randomly searching my mind. I decided to title it "Izanami" after the Japanese Goddess. I took a very different take on her than I think most people do.
But I keep feeling like it is crap and I hate posting things here unless I actually like the piece. If I didn't like it I wouldn't post it.
So, I don't quite know what to do yet.
I am hoping for some better days to come along. Its been a tough year and I'm wishing for it to be over and for a better year to arrive. Though, I think my wishing isn't working. Next year holds no promise for me except that I'll be legal to drink.
A suggestion to everyone, listen to the song "Untouched" by the Veronicas. It is beautiful and has a great sound to it. I loves it *huggles the song*
I feel rather untouched right now... and rather lonesome and random.
Eh, life goes on. Back to the drawing board on the poem...
- Mood:
- Listening to: It's Over - Jesse McCartney
- Reading: Dracula - Bram Stoker
- Watching: Life go down the proverbial drain
- Playing: the "I hate Him" game
- Eating: Ramen as per usual... Do I ever eat anything else?
- Drinking: raspberry ice
But I keep feeling like it is crap and I hate posting things here unless I actually like the piece. If I didn't like it I wouldn't post it.
I am hoping for some better days to come along. Its been a tough year and I'm wishing for it to be over and for a better year to arrive. Though, I think my wishing isn't working. Next year holds no promise for me except that I'll be legal to drink.
A suggestion to everyone, listen to the song "Untouched" by the Veronicas. It is beautiful and has a great sound to it. I loves it *huggles the song*
I feel rather untouched right now... and rather lonesome and random.
I don't know what is wrong with me these days. i am just so fucking depressed all the fucking time. Its getting really frustrated.
I should be happy, I get to spend time with my friend Sara, and on Saturday I get to see my boyfriend, plus get paid for my part-time work I've been doing. I should be happy that I have a mom who loves me, I should be happy that I have a roof over my head, because I know people who don't.
I should stop being a selfish bitch and get over myself. I'm not trying to be depressing, but I just can't shake this. I can't stop feeling this way, even though I try like nothing else to get over it.
Untouched by the Veronicas
I should be happy, I get to spend time with my friend Sara, and on Saturday I get to see my boyfriend, plus get paid for my part-time work I've been doing. I should be happy that I have a mom who loves me, I should be happy that I have a roof over my head, because I know people who don't.
I should stop being a selfish bitch and get over myself. I'm not trying to be depressing, but I just can't shake this. I can't stop feeling this way, even though I try like nothing else to get over it.
Untouched by the Veronicas
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The Final Installation of the Olympics (FINALLY!)
Due to technical difficulties in the past two weeks (our wires were eaten by rabid porcupines and the newscasters caught Mermaid Disease) we have been unable to report the final events in the Sex Olympics. So, a little late, here is what happened in the final week of the Sex Olympics
Sarai was side-lined after an encounter with Kyo of Dir en Grey. She was forced to sit out the rest of the games due to her injuries. She was given a gold medal for her efforts and sent home with the consolation prize: Pata (aka: Mr. Sparkly Pants).
The Virgin Pomegranate won the most medals this round including:
- The Gold Medal for Vocals with Kei from Sadie
- The Gold Medal for her performance with Jui from ViDoll
- The Gold Medal for most unique position with Reita of the GazettE
- The Gold Medal for Stamina with Hiroto of Alice Nine
- The Silver Medal for Best Kiss with Nao of Alice Nine
- The Gold Medal for Best Time with Ruki of the GazettE
And the Gold Medal for Best Kiss went to Fawn with Heath of X-Japan. The Winner, over-all, was Pomegranate with the most medals. She wins one day and one night with Gackt on a remote island. Fawn won a trip to the states to visit Yoshiki as her consolation Prize.
Sarai was side-lined after an encounter with Kyo of Dir en Grey. She was forced to sit out the rest of the games due to her injuries. She was given a gold medal for her efforts and sent home with the consolation prize: Pata (aka: Mr. Sparkly Pants).
The Virgin Pomegranate won the most medals this round including:
- The Gold Medal for Vocals with Kei from Sadie
- The Gold Medal for her performance with Jui from ViDoll
- The Gold Medal for most unique position with Reita of the GazettE
- The Gold Medal for Stamina with Hiroto of Alice Nine
- The Silver Medal for Best Kiss with Nao of Alice Nine
- The Gold Medal for Best Time with Ruki of the GazettE
And the Gold Medal for Best Kiss went to Fawn with Heath of X-Japan. The Winner, over-all, was Pomegranate with the most medals. She wins one day and one night with Gackt on a remote island. Fawn won a trip to the states to visit Yoshiki as her consolation Prize.
Monday, November 17, 2008
I hate this part
I don't quite know how to explain my feelings to anyone, maybe that's because I can't even explain my feelings to myself. I don't know what happened to me. It was never part of the plan to fall in love with someone here. I knew that I couldn't do that because it would mean losing that person when I went back to Oklahoma.
I hate being here. I hate feeling trapped in this spiraling abyss, I hate feeling like everything around me is caving in and burying me. I feel claustrophobic and diseased half the time. I feel like everything is tearing apart at the seams and there is nothing I can do because I have the wrong needles for the fabric and the wrong color thread to boot.
Everything was great at the beginning. I was excited because I was preparing to be a godmother and then I was going back to Oklahoma, going back home. And then I started going out with this amazing guy. We have so much in common, want a lot of the same things, but we are very different at the same time. And somewhere along the way, I fell in love with that amazing guy. I don't know why or how it happened like that, but it did.
But you know what? It was kind of stupid to fall in love with him, kind of ridiculous all things considered. It is wrong of me to want him to move to Oklahoma with me. He may love me, which I believe he does, but that doesn't mean that I should expect him to give everything up for me. Even though I would give everything up for him. Sometimes it doesn't work like that.
His relationship with his family is better than mine. I love my mom, my sister and my brother (and a few others of my family), but they are the only ones who live in Indiana and therefore I don't mind leaving them. I know that they will be okay and I know that I can't live with them. Oklahoma is in my cards, in my stars and apparently a big piece of my fate as it were. I worked harder than anything to get there the first time around. Now what?
If I leave Indiana without him, then I no longer have a boyfriend. Though I know we would end it on friendly terms, I don't want to be just his friend. I want to be the girl he loves more than anything, I want to be HIS. I guess the part that hurts the most about that is that he won't wait for me. Because we will no longer be boyfriend and girlfriend, he will move on with new relationships and I'll be waiting for the time that he can be mine again.
He said at some point that he didn't want to go because of Arlin. So I told Fawn that I couldn't come back unless Arlin was gone. And lets face it, Arlin needed to leave anyway. Arlin is leaving, but he still doesn't want to go. Because he isn't ready to leave his family, he's not ready to leave home. I know it makes him feel vulnerable and uncomfortable, but I have been vulnerable for him.
Now, I'm really making him sound like a jerk. I'm not meaning to, because he isn't. He is the most wonderful to ever happen to me, boyfriend wise...
I can't really love him though, because I don't even love myself. I can't love anyone if I can't even love myself. And right now I hate myself. I hate all of this, I hate being so broken and un-fixable. I told myself not to fall for anyone, to just spend my time here and go home. I told myself that I would just wait for Pata, because that was who Fawn said I could have. I was fine with that. Who doesn't love a man with Sparkly pants?!
Now I'm just trapped in these paranoid moments. I am so afraid of him. He doesn't know that he could destroy me with one sentence. He doesn't realize that I am willing to give up everything to be with him, because I know that I know that I know he is the one that I was meant to be with. I am so self-conscious and weak and stupid, its all so fucking frustrating.
I hate this part by the Pussycat Dolls
I hate being here. I hate feeling trapped in this spiraling abyss, I hate feeling like everything around me is caving in and burying me. I feel claustrophobic and diseased half the time. I feel like everything is tearing apart at the seams and there is nothing I can do because I have the wrong needles for the fabric and the wrong color thread to boot.
Everything was great at the beginning. I was excited because I was preparing to be a godmother and then I was going back to Oklahoma, going back home. And then I started going out with this amazing guy. We have so much in common, want a lot of the same things, but we are very different at the same time. And somewhere along the way, I fell in love with that amazing guy. I don't know why or how it happened like that, but it did.
But you know what? It was kind of stupid to fall in love with him, kind of ridiculous all things considered. It is wrong of me to want him to move to Oklahoma with me. He may love me, which I believe he does, but that doesn't mean that I should expect him to give everything up for me. Even though I would give everything up for him. Sometimes it doesn't work like that.
His relationship with his family is better than mine. I love my mom, my sister and my brother (and a few others of my family), but they are the only ones who live in Indiana and therefore I don't mind leaving them. I know that they will be okay and I know that I can't live with them. Oklahoma is in my cards, in my stars and apparently a big piece of my fate as it were. I worked harder than anything to get there the first time around. Now what?
If I leave Indiana without him, then I no longer have a boyfriend. Though I know we would end it on friendly terms, I don't want to be just his friend. I want to be the girl he loves more than anything, I want to be HIS. I guess the part that hurts the most about that is that he won't wait for me. Because we will no longer be boyfriend and girlfriend, he will move on with new relationships and I'll be waiting for the time that he can be mine again.
He said at some point that he didn't want to go because of Arlin. So I told Fawn that I couldn't come back unless Arlin was gone. And lets face it, Arlin needed to leave anyway. Arlin is leaving, but he still doesn't want to go. Because he isn't ready to leave his family, he's not ready to leave home. I know it makes him feel vulnerable and uncomfortable, but I have been vulnerable for him.
Now, I'm really making him sound like a jerk. I'm not meaning to, because he isn't. He is the most wonderful to ever happen to me, boyfriend wise...
I can't really love him though, because I don't even love myself. I can't love anyone if I can't even love myself. And right now I hate myself. I hate all of this, I hate being so broken and un-fixable. I told myself not to fall for anyone, to just spend my time here and go home. I told myself that I would just wait for Pata, because that was who Fawn said I could have. I was fine with that. Who doesn't love a man with Sparkly pants?!
Now I'm just trapped in these paranoid moments. I am so afraid of him. He doesn't know that he could destroy me with one sentence. He doesn't realize that I am willing to give up everything to be with him, because I know that I know that I know he is the one that I was meant to be with. I am so self-conscious and weak and stupid, its all so fucking frustrating.
I hate this part by the Pussycat Dolls
3,000 (dA)
Journal Entry: Mon Nov 17, 2008, 4:17 AM
I have hit 3,000 pageviews!! I am so excited!! 
Well we've come through the lice bit fairly well... Hannah has been deloused. Then Donnie got it, so we took immediate action with him. I'm going to dye my hair as to prevent any lice from coming to me... I refuse to have those visitors. *shivers*
Nothing much going on... I have no new poetry or anything for you all to see, I apologize. My muse has been taking a very long vacation. And plus, I'm distracted by all the shit going on to even think to write.
So now I'm just listening to music trying to ignore the breaking sound in my chest...
- Mood:
- Listening to: Wait for You - Elliot Yamin
- Watching: my heart break
- Drinking: strawberry milk
Well we've come through the lice bit fairly well... Hannah has been deloused. Then Donnie got it, so we took immediate action with him. I'm going to dye my hair as to prevent any lice from coming to me... I refuse to have those visitors. *shivers*
Nothing much going on... I have no new poetry or anything for you all to see, I apologize. My muse has been taking a very long vacation. And plus, I'm distracted by all the shit going on to even think to write.
So now I'm just listening to music trying to ignore the breaking sound in my chest...
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Delousing... (dA)
Journal Entry: Sat Nov 15, 2008, 10:41 PM Hannah is now no longer contagious. Donnie caught it from her last night though, so we had to delouse him too. As a preventative measure i doused my head in oil, left it on for a while and then rinsed... Hoping it works... May shave my head if I get lice, though Donnie doesn't like that idea.
- Mood:
- Listening to: Beautiful Tragedy - IN THIS MOMENT
- Reading: The Inferno by Dante Aligheri
- Watching: The skies...
- Playing: music
- Eating: ramen
- Drinking: raspberry ice
Lice (aka: When it rains it fucking pours) (dA)
Journal Entry: Sat Nov 15, 2008, 3:32 AM So, My sister has Lice. And guess what? She brought it here!! So now we all get to scrub the house and scrub ourselves. the joys of this begin.
Surprisingly i've never had lice... and am not looking forward to possibly having it now...
- Mood:
- Listening to: Mirotic - DBSK
- Reading: The Inferno by Dante Aligheri
- Watching: my hair
- Playing: music
- Eating: ramen
- Drinking: raspberry ice
Surprisingly i've never had lice... and am not looking forward to possibly having it now...
Lice (aka: When it rains it fucking pours)
So if everyone could pray it would be lovely.
Hannah has lice. So I've poured olive oil all over her scalp and rubbed it in and put plastic on it and now we get to wait for an hour. Poor thing is freaking out.
Not only that, but Donnie and I are going to have to do the same thing, because we spent the entire day playing with and cuddling with Hannah. I have NEVER had lice!! I have spent the past 20 years NOT having lice. And now I may get it. Damn Head lice... *cries*
So just pray that everything works out.
Hannah has lice. So I've poured olive oil all over her scalp and rubbed it in and put plastic on it and now we get to wait for an hour. Poor thing is freaking out.
Not only that, but Donnie and I are going to have to do the same thing, because we spent the entire day playing with and cuddling with Hannah. I have NEVER had lice!! I have spent the past 20 years NOT having lice. And now I may get it. Damn Head lice... *cries*
So just pray that everything works out.
Friday, November 14, 2008
More Time... (dA)
Journal Entry: Fri Nov 14, 2008, 12:57 AM Okay, so besides the whole computer thing, I just wanted to clarify that I had some other things going on... and will have for God only knows, the rest of my life maybe?
On Saturday one of my best friends (I've known/loved this girl for 10 years) got married. It was totally RANDOM. She calls me on Thursday and says "I'm getting married, want to be there?" It was a beautiful wedding and I managed NOT to cry during the ceremony, though I guarantee you I bawled like a baby later that night. Still trying to figure out why I cried so much over it.
Anyway, continued drama with my mother and the step-bastard. This year is going to be really tough on my mother. Especially the holiday season. Its her first Thanksgiving without him since they got married in 1993. Also, not to mention that Thanksgiving has never been a good holiday for us.
Another thing is that the day before Thanksgiving 1998 my mom found out that the baby she was carrying at the time had died. The day after Thanksgiving 1998 her body tried to flush the baby and it got stuck in her cervix and caused her to almost bleed to death on our bathroom floor. This resulted in two weeks of separation from Hannah (my baby sister) and getting forced into public school after having been home-schooled.
This is obviously the tenth anniversary of all that and this particular episode in our past seems to be not necessarily haunting my mom, but it is definitely weighing on her.
Then there is December 1st which is the final divorce hearing. Which means that we finally figure out if he gets Hannah or if we do.
I realized that if we lose Hannah that I don't want to have anything to do with a God anymore. Because if He exists and allows that bastard to have my sister, then He is a sadistic Bastard himself. I don't want to believe in anything that would put all of us through the hell we've been suffering for the past 7 months. Its ridiculous and it hurts and I am ready to be done with it.
I guess Prayer is in order, but its hard to pray these days...
- Mood:
- Listening to: Crush - David Archuleta
- Reading: The Inferno by Dante Aligheri
- Watching: my life fall apart
- Playing: music
- Eating: ramen
- Drinking: water
On Saturday one of my best friends (I've known/loved this girl for 10 years) got married. It was totally RANDOM. She calls me on Thursday and says "I'm getting married, want to be there?" It was a beautiful wedding and I managed NOT to cry during the ceremony, though I guarantee you I bawled like a baby later that night. Still trying to figure out why I cried so much over it.
Anyway, continued drama with my mother and the step-bastard. This year is going to be really tough on my mother. Especially the holiday season. Its her first Thanksgiving without him since they got married in 1993. Also, not to mention that Thanksgiving has never been a good holiday for us.
Another thing is that the day before Thanksgiving 1998 my mom found out that the baby she was carrying at the time had died. The day after Thanksgiving 1998 her body tried to flush the baby and it got stuck in her cervix and caused her to almost bleed to death on our bathroom floor. This resulted in two weeks of separation from Hannah (my baby sister) and getting forced into public school after having been home-schooled.
This is obviously the tenth anniversary of all that and this particular episode in our past seems to be not necessarily haunting my mom, but it is definitely weighing on her.
Then there is December 1st which is the final divorce hearing. Which means that we finally figure out if he gets Hannah or if we do.
I realized that if we lose Hannah that I don't want to have anything to do with a God anymore. Because if He exists and allows that bastard to have my sister, then He is a sadistic Bastard himself. I don't want to believe in anything that would put all of us through the hell we've been suffering for the past 7 months. Its ridiculous and it hurts and I am ready to be done with it.
I guess Prayer is in order, but its hard to pray these days...
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Just a Sweet Transvestite from Transexual Translyvannia
"Don't get strung out
by the way I look.
Don't judge a book
by it's cover.
I'm not much of a man
by the light of day,
but by night I'm one
Hell of a lover." Tim Curry as Dr. Frank N. Furter in "The Rocky Horror Picture Show".
Hello Subscribers!! It has been a LONG time since I've been able to blog. My computer has had several viruses and I lost my connnection to the internet. On Wednesday, Donnie is supposed to be coming over and has said that he will help me fix the problem. I know that those of you who were enjoying the Sex Olympics (meaning Pomegranate, as I believe she is the only one who was enjoying the games) have been eagerly awaiting the final update. Good News, I'll hopefully have that up by this weekend.
So much has been happening in the past few days since I last blogged, so please bear with me as I try to convey all of it to you.
First off (to explain the above quote) I ahve been introduced to "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" and have fallen madly and passionately in love with it. Tim Curry i s AMAZING and he looked FANTASTIC! Anyone who doesn't like that movie hasn't watched it. It will change your life!!
Second of all, as many of you know already, Barack Obama won the position of President Elect as the 44th President of the United States by a LANDSLIDE margin. I love it. I am SO excited because ladies and gents, we are witnesses to History. It is being made before our eyes and these are things we can share with the future generations. We can all say "I was there when the first Black President was elected", just like our grandparents can say they witnessed the world changing from white to black AND white. Like our parents can say that they witnessed the Lunar Landing. I mean, this is BIG! I am so proud to be a part of this moment in history. As should everyone else, no matter what you believe or how you voted or whether you are a part of this country at all.
Now, just for everyone's benefit, I'm going to explain WHY I voted for Obama. Over the weekend I was accused of voting for him solely because he is Black. Which is most definitely NOT the case. I had logical reasons behind my decision.
1. I watched the debates. Did anyone besides me notice that every time McCain was asked a question on how he was going to do something he always referred to Obama? He would attack him and blabber on about something completly off base and had nothing to do with the question at all. You know why? Because McCain is just like George W. Bush. He wasn't going to change a DAMN THING! And it was really obvious that he wasn't going to change anything, because he never spoke on what he was going to do to change them. He just threw mud at every turn. Obama on the other hand had answers as to what he was going to do, what he was going to try and change.
2. I hate Sarah Palin. (Okay, so that isn't the most logical reasoning, but I still use it anyway. I hate her.)
3. The only thing that I disagree with Obama on is Abortion. But I understand where he is coming from. He is on the side that says that women have the right to do what they want with their bodies. Even though the child is NOT a part of the woman's body (it has it's own separate DNA and therefore is a separate being). But think about this: What about a woman who is raped? It almost seems like we are punishing her for something she had nothing to do with. Granted it isn't right to punish the child either, but I understand her reasonings. Especially if she was raped by a family member or she is 12 years old. I know that it takes a strong person to carry a child conceived through rape to term. And therefore I'm not going to bitchy if she does it.
4. I don't believe this bullshit that Obama is Muslim. Absolute BULLSHIT! The man's father and paternal grandparents were Muslim, but that doesn't make him one. And, even if he was Muslim, that doesn't mean that he is part of Jihad, because Jihadists are RADICAL Muslims. Just like every Christian ISN'T blowing up an abortion clinic, not every Muslim is wagin war on America. My father is a druggie/rapist, that doesn't make me a druggie or a rapist. My father's father was an abusive alcoholic, that doesn't make me that either. I am not my parents, I am me. Same goes for Obama.
I had a moment at the library computer last week to do a quick check of my e-mail and I was very saddened by a bulletin my beautiful PSM wrote. I couldn't believe my eyes. I know you are reading this right now dear, I love you anyway, but I felt like what you said was completely uncalled for and racist beyond belief. I don't want to argue about it or anything like that, I just wanted to tell you that it hurt my feelings that you would say things like that. I do understand that you are entitled to your own opinions, as is everyone else, which is why I am only saying that it hurt my feelings.
Moving on. My third thing that has happened is my Bestest Best Friend, Sarah Jo, got married on Saturday (Nov. 8th) to her (now) husband, Brian. I am SO happy for her and still in shock that it happened. It was all quite random. I knew that she was in love with him and that they wanted to get married, but I wasn't expectin gthe phone call that said "Hey, we are getting married. Do you want to be there?" I hope to have pictures of the wedding up soon!!
No real updates as far as the custody battle over Hannah. We got to spend the weekend with her this past weekend and I showed her part of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show". She says Tim Curry looks like a prostitute, but I think he looks fabulous. Anyway, she seemed like her old self. She wasn't withdrawn or upset, in fact she seemed quite happy to be spending time with us. Though she was disappointed that Donnie wasn't there. I love the fact that my family loves him We only had 2 issues with this weekend. That would be:
1. I woke up to Hannah crying in her sleep. When I asked her why she was crying she said, "I don't know". It upset me because that can't be good that a little girl is crying in her sleep in the middle of the night.
2. We took Hannah home and were even 5 minutes early getting her there, but her father wasn't there. His roommate, Barry (whom I have shown massive amounts of distaste for), was there. Mom said that she wasn't going to drop Hannah off with Barry. We had Hannah call her father and he said he was on his way hom. He didn't get there for 20 minutes. We sat in the car, in the cold, for 20 freaking minutes. Then when we get out Wes gets all pissy, "Why didn't you take Hannah inside?" and Mom said she didn't want to leave her alone with Barry. He starts saying Mom's crazy. And, for the first time in a LONG time, I spoke up. I said "The rules say that she is to be dropped off with her parental guardian, not her parental guardian's roommate. You are her parental guardian and Barry isn't." After that he shut up.
The whole situation pisses me off and I really just wish it was over and done with. I just want us all to be a family (Wes excluded). I want Hannah to be with us, because I miss hanging out with my crazy, wild and funny sister. I miss having someone to exercise with and drool over Johnny Depp with. Sure, we don't like all the same things, but its nice having her around. And I miss that.
Now, my last update is I wrote a new poem! It is called "Murder of an Angel" (I'll probably change the title at some point) and it took me a while, but I figured out what it means to me. Now, you, the reader, have to decide what it means to you. I'm going to go ahead and post it here, even though this blog is long. Enjoy and I'll write more later!!
Murder of an Angel
The blade slid across her skin, a weeping crimson
mouth yawning against ivory petals. Falling to the floor,
the soft parting of flesh from bone, heart from soul and
body from mind. Into the moon drenched night screams
dissipate, silence never seemed so beautifully broken by
that voice.
Parted, self from self, divided by the voices inside.
The voices that mutilate and destroy, breaking the
halves into quarters and the quarteres into tiny masked
moments of time. Masquerading in these satin sheets,
the tiniest pearls building like the tears to the flower.
Bathe in the blood, black butterflies flitter by,
collapsing to the ground, sacrificed in the devil's
Skulls trip down the stairs, blanched by the sun's
cruelest kiss. The moon, a pale ivory disc, dances along
her glittering path. Sensual wisps of perfume fade into
the emptiness, that weeping mouth fading against the
essence of time. Her elbows jut out in awkward
positions, steel scrapes bone, the subtle depth
of the soul, shattered by man's tools.
Crossed swords, starlit voids and death shoulders the
burden. Evisceration lies in the wake, the waves
receding from the beaten shores. Lucifer hangs upon
a jasper crucifix, a fiery crown adorns his wicked
head. His followers stand about him, string ebony
pearls along the path of devastation. Crucified in sins
to shameful to name, wallowing in the mire that is.
Stand broken in Hell, the scars of forgotten skin and
soulless eyes stark against the landscape.
by the way I look.
Don't judge a book
by it's cover.
I'm not much of a man
by the light of day,
but by night I'm one
Hell of a lover." Tim Curry as Dr. Frank N. Furter in "The Rocky Horror Picture Show".
Hello Subscribers!! It has been a LONG time since I've been able to blog. My computer has had several viruses and I lost my connnection to the internet. On Wednesday, Donnie is supposed to be coming over and has said that he will help me fix the problem. I know that those of you who were enjoying the Sex Olympics (meaning Pomegranate, as I believe she is the only one who was enjoying the games) have been eagerly awaiting the final update. Good News, I'll hopefully have that up by this weekend.
So much has been happening in the past few days since I last blogged, so please bear with me as I try to convey all of it to you.
First off (to explain the above quote) I ahve been introduced to "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" and have fallen madly and passionately in love with it. Tim Curry i s AMAZING and he looked FANTASTIC! Anyone who doesn't like that movie hasn't watched it. It will change your life!!
Second of all, as many of you know already, Barack Obama won the position of President Elect as the 44th President of the United States by a LANDSLIDE margin. I love it. I am SO excited because ladies and gents, we are witnesses to History. It is being made before our eyes and these are things we can share with the future generations. We can all say "I was there when the first Black President was elected", just like our grandparents can say they witnessed the world changing from white to black AND white. Like our parents can say that they witnessed the Lunar Landing. I mean, this is BIG! I am so proud to be a part of this moment in history. As should everyone else, no matter what you believe or how you voted or whether you are a part of this country at all.
Now, just for everyone's benefit, I'm going to explain WHY I voted for Obama. Over the weekend I was accused of voting for him solely because he is Black. Which is most definitely NOT the case. I had logical reasons behind my decision.
1. I watched the debates. Did anyone besides me notice that every time McCain was asked a question on how he was going to do something he always referred to Obama? He would attack him and blabber on about something completly off base and had nothing to do with the question at all. You know why? Because McCain is just like George W. Bush. He wasn't going to change a DAMN THING! And it was really obvious that he wasn't going to change anything, because he never spoke on what he was going to do to change them. He just threw mud at every turn. Obama on the other hand had answers as to what he was going to do, what he was going to try and change.
2. I hate Sarah Palin. (Okay, so that isn't the most logical reasoning, but I still use it anyway. I hate her.)
3. The only thing that I disagree with Obama on is Abortion. But I understand where he is coming from. He is on the side that says that women have the right to do what they want with their bodies. Even though the child is NOT a part of the woman's body (it has it's own separate DNA and therefore is a separate being). But think about this: What about a woman who is raped? It almost seems like we are punishing her for something she had nothing to do with. Granted it isn't right to punish the child either, but I understand her reasonings. Especially if she was raped by a family member or she is 12 years old. I know that it takes a strong person to carry a child conceived through rape to term. And therefore I'm not going to bitchy if she does it.
4. I don't believe this bullshit that Obama is Muslim. Absolute BULLSHIT! The man's father and paternal grandparents were Muslim, but that doesn't make him one. And, even if he was Muslim, that doesn't mean that he is part of Jihad, because Jihadists are RADICAL Muslims. Just like every Christian ISN'T blowing up an abortion clinic, not every Muslim is wagin war on America. My father is a druggie/rapist, that doesn't make me a druggie or a rapist. My father's father was an abusive alcoholic, that doesn't make me that either. I am not my parents, I am me. Same goes for Obama.
I had a moment at the library computer last week to do a quick check of my e-mail and I was very saddened by a bulletin my beautiful PSM wrote. I couldn't believe my eyes. I know you are reading this right now dear, I love you anyway, but I felt like what you said was completely uncalled for and racist beyond belief. I don't want to argue about it or anything like that, I just wanted to tell you that it hurt my feelings that you would say things like that. I do understand that you are entitled to your own opinions, as is everyone else, which is why I am only saying that it hurt my feelings.
Moving on. My third thing that has happened is my Bestest Best Friend, Sarah Jo, got married on Saturday (Nov. 8th) to her (now) husband, Brian. I am SO happy for her and still in shock that it happened. It was all quite random. I knew that she was in love with him and that they wanted to get married, but I wasn't expectin gthe phone call that said "Hey, we are getting married. Do you want to be there?" I hope to have pictures of the wedding up soon!!
No real updates as far as the custody battle over Hannah. We got to spend the weekend with her this past weekend and I showed her part of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show". She says Tim Curry looks like a prostitute, but I think he looks fabulous. Anyway, she seemed like her old self. She wasn't withdrawn or upset, in fact she seemed quite happy to be spending time with us. Though she was disappointed that Donnie wasn't there. I love the fact that my family loves him We only had 2 issues with this weekend. That would be:
1. I woke up to Hannah crying in her sleep. When I asked her why she was crying she said, "I don't know". It upset me because that can't be good that a little girl is crying in her sleep in the middle of the night.
2. We took Hannah home and were even 5 minutes early getting her there, but her father wasn't there. His roommate, Barry (whom I have shown massive amounts of distaste for), was there. Mom said that she wasn't going to drop Hannah off with Barry. We had Hannah call her father and he said he was on his way hom. He didn't get there for 20 minutes. We sat in the car, in the cold, for 20 freaking minutes. Then when we get out Wes gets all pissy, "Why didn't you take Hannah inside?" and Mom said she didn't want to leave her alone with Barry. He starts saying Mom's crazy. And, for the first time in a LONG time, I spoke up. I said "The rules say that she is to be dropped off with her parental guardian, not her parental guardian's roommate. You are her parental guardian and Barry isn't." After that he shut up.
The whole situation pisses me off and I really just wish it was over and done with. I just want us all to be a family (Wes excluded). I want Hannah to be with us, because I miss hanging out with my crazy, wild and funny sister. I miss having someone to exercise with and drool over Johnny Depp with. Sure, we don't like all the same things, but its nice having her around. And I miss that.
Now, my last update is I wrote a new poem! It is called "Murder of an Angel" (I'll probably change the title at some point) and it took me a while, but I figured out what it means to me. Now, you, the reader, have to decide what it means to you. I'm going to go ahead and post it here, even though this blog is long. Enjoy and I'll write more later!!
Murder of an Angel
The blade slid across her skin, a weeping crimson
mouth yawning against ivory petals. Falling to the floor,
the soft parting of flesh from bone, heart from soul and
body from mind. Into the moon drenched night screams
dissipate, silence never seemed so beautifully broken by
that voice.
Parted, self from self, divided by the voices inside.
The voices that mutilate and destroy, breaking the
halves into quarters and the quarteres into tiny masked
moments of time. Masquerading in these satin sheets,
the tiniest pearls building like the tears to the flower.
Bathe in the blood, black butterflies flitter by,
collapsing to the ground, sacrificed in the devil's
Skulls trip down the stairs, blanched by the sun's
cruelest kiss. The moon, a pale ivory disc, dances along
her glittering path. Sensual wisps of perfume fade into
the emptiness, that weeping mouth fading against the
essence of time. Her elbows jut out in awkward
positions, steel scrapes bone, the subtle depth
of the soul, shattered by man's tools.
Crossed swords, starlit voids and death shoulders the
burden. Evisceration lies in the wake, the waves
receding from the beaten shores. Lucifer hangs upon
a jasper crucifix, a fiery crown adorns his wicked
head. His followers stand about him, string ebony
pearls along the path of devastation. Crucified in sins
to shameful to name, wallowing in the mire that is.
Stand broken in Hell, the scars of forgotten skin and
soulless eyes stark against the landscape.
Out of breath and out of time... (dA)
Journal Entry: Tue Nov 11, 2008, 12:47 PM
- Mood:
- Listening to: The GazettE
- Reading: The Inferno by Dante Aligheri
- Watching: The Rocky Horror Picture Show
- Playing: Avernum 2
- Eating: ramen
- Drinking: water
love Sarai
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