Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Great Diary Disaster (well, almost...)

Okay, it isn't a disaster yet, but I accidentally left my diary at my boyfriend's house and I'm asking everyone to pray that no one picks it up and reads it!! I DO NOT WANT TO EXPLAIN STUFF WRITTEN IN THERE!!! *cries*

How is everyone today in my blog world? Anything happening that anyone wants to talk about? I don't have much to blog about these days. My god-son still hasn't arrived, but soon, hopefully. I love him and I hope he is here soon.

Oh, something that makes me violently ill:
Paris Hilton doing this

Imitating Audrey Hepburn. Pretending that she is as good as Audrey. THAT PISSES ME OFF! In case you couldn't tell.

1. Audrey Hepburn actually did go to Africa. She helped thousands of people with medicine and food. She touched so many lives.
2. Audrey Hepburn never went to jail because she was drinking and driving. Then try to get out of it by threatening not to eat.
3. Audrey Hepburn doesn't have a video of her having sex with some random man floating around on the net. She was always very classy and wasn't showing off. She did what she did, because she cared, not because she needed the world to love her. The world loved her because she did what she believed in.

That is it for today. Anything you want to hear me ramble about feel free to comment or message me and I will do that to the best of my knowledge. I think my next blog will be about abortion and why it makes me so violently ill. Or maybe I'll blog about the war on terrorism. Or Barack Obama. One never knows.

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