- Mood:
- Listening to: I Am A Rock by Simon and Garfunkel
- Watching: the weather
- Playing: i won't cry game
- Drinking: soda
1. I was never meant to be a girly girl. Now, most of that is because of circumstance. When you have been through everything I have you build up walls to secure yourself. You either lose the girliness and protect yourself or you flaunt and give up, because you will always be taken advantage of. I chose the first apparently.
2. My destiny/fate, has been there all along, I've just been to silly to notice. My fate is Acting/Writing. And somehow Wentworth Miller is involved.
3. I will probably always be the friend and not the girlfriend. I'm okay with this now. I used to freak about it, but now I'm okay.
4. I love children. I adore them, they are wonderful. But they are not for me. Therefore, whilst you may laugh since throughout my life I have wanted a varying number *between 6-16* I realized I don't want them at all.
5. I can't believe it took me SOOOOO long to finally realize that Vegitarian was the way to go.
6. There are demons in my life. Some are people, some are actual. I do not require your pity on this matter.
7. I am who I am. I can't change it just because someone else doesn't like it. I have to stop trying to!! I will never be perfect enough for some people. I am okay with that.
8. I have been blessed and cursed. It is a blessing, but somedays it definitely feels like a curse. I have to get over that too.
9. I regret a lot of things in my life. I need to stop beating myself up over them.
10. If you are still reading this, you are a pretty good friend, I should keep you!
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