- Mood:
- Listening to: Stay by Sugarland
- Reading: this page
- Watching: my life fly by
- Playing: the "I'm not nervous" Game
- Eating: Chips
- Drinking: Lemonade
Done? Good. Let the Rant begin!
First of all, I am and have always been a christian. Take that for it is worth. But never have I understood the holidays that we call "christian" holidays.
Easter and Christmas. I will rant about Halloween and other holidays at a later date i guess, for i do not want to overwhelm anyone's mind.
Lets start with Easter shall we? Since it is closest, this Sunday in fact. I'm sure when we think of Easter we think of Eggs, chocolates and bunnies... The "Easter Bunny" in particular.
Supposedly Easter is a Christian Holiday. The celebration of the Ressurection of our Lord and Saviour. Well, it isn't and never has truly been. Easter was originally a holiday dedicated to the Fertillity Goddess and another God who was resurrected every year. It was also a celebration of Spring. The World being Ressurected again to new life in the Spring. The aforementioned god was the god of spring and like the world he died in the fall and rose again in the spring.
What happened is that The Church decided that to many of their followers were still worshipping their old gods and goddesses on their holidays. Thats when the brillant plan came up, lets change the holidays by saying that we are worshipping Christ instead of who we are actually worshipping. In my mind this is what I see:
Church: Hey, look a dirty bum on the street. We should make him a christian!
They then grab the bum, brush the loose dirt off his coat and put a big shiny bow on his head and call him a "Christian"
That is Basically what we did with holidays. These "Holy Days" are not in truth "Holy" to the Most Holy.
Christmas: Once again, a totally and completely Pagan holiday that celebrated the birth of another god. The "christmas" Trees symbolized him. And Santa came later. Now, let me say this, Santa is not a christian symbol either. In fact, I would say he takes the glory away from God and Jesus. Children do not await the moment that Christ was born with glee and anticipation, they await the moment that Santa will appear to bring them gifts. And has anyone ever noticed that Santa has all the same letters as Satan just rearranged?
Once again, Bum with a bow doesn't make him a christian.
I would present more evidence as to why Christmas so not Christian, except that my mind is suddenly empty.
The End
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