Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Twilight Obsession and why I hate it. (LANGUAGE!)

I fucking hate stupid fucking "Twilight"... Thought you all might like to know. I don't care if you like it, that's fine. Just don't tell me about it. Because I DO NOT CARE!!!

I am so tired of these tweens and teens telling me how "wonderful" the books are and how "gorgeous" Edward Cullen is. DUDE!! I DO NOT CARE!!

First of all, the book was written by a Mormon woman, so there is a LOT of Mormon Ideology in the books (I have no problem with the Mormons on a personal level, but when they start writing things that have their ideology that will directly affect a CHILD, I get a little pissy). Secondly it portrays this dangerous/co-dependent/stalkerish/abusive relationship as being a beautiful and desirable thing. IT ISN'T!! It is NOT sweet if a guy breaks into your house EVERY NIGHT to watch you sleep. It is NOT wonderful that he follows you everywhere you go just so he can "protect" you. Protect you from WHAT?!

AND WHAT THE HOLY FUCK IS UP WITH STUPID SPARKLY VAMPIRES?! That almost killed sparkly for me altogether. Its okay though, because all I do is imagine my beautiful
Pata in his awesome Sparkly Pants and my love is renewed, but SERIOUSLY? Sparkly Vampires?! Does the author know nothing of Vampire mythology?! Not to mention that I know some people who have been in Vampire Cults.

Then of course, I am a PB (Pedantic Bitch), I like sentences that are structured and I pay close attention to spelling and punctuation. I know that this doesn't always show in my blogs, but when I'm reading, its what I look at.

The woman can't spell, she has these horrific sentences that make NO SENSE and she directly contradicts herself in several places. What did the editor do when this was presented to them? Sit with their thumb up their ass?! Not only that, she tries to act so intelligent by using the thesaurus on her computer to chose words related to what she is saying so that Edward's hair is Reddish-Brown, Bronze and another colour. These aren't even related! Bronze isn't Reddish-Brown. It is a golden-brown. And
don't even get me started on how the only thing she talks about the entire book is how beautiful Edward is. WHO CARES?!

AND the only plot for almost the entire book is Edward and Bella's fucked up relationship!

Okay. I'm done ranting for now. I have been forced into reading said book because I was told I couldn't diss it unless I'd read it. I'm reading it. I hate it.

Love is a Four-Letter Word

There is a reason LOVE is a four-letter word. Not because it is "bad" like other 4-letter words (e.g. hell, damn, etc...) or because the Gods of the English language demand it. LOVE is a four-letter word because it takes 4 of the most important pieces of the Human Self for it to work.

First off, I'm sure many of you know what I am about to say, it takes your HEART. Without your heart, not only would you Physically die, but you would also die Metaphorically. Let me explain. The Heart (or the Organ of Love, whichever you so prefer) is how we express the depth of emotion we are feeling. When we are fervent in belief, we believe with all of our HEART. Not our toes, not our Gallbladder, our Heart. When we are devastated by some tragedy, our HEART is broken. When you love someone, you aren't JUST giving them your time or yourself, you are also giving them your Heart. For them to break or keep safe, for them to cherish or forget. That part of you that longs to love and be loved in return is pumping blood through out your system every second.

The second of the four is your SOUL. Quite often the Heart gets TOO much credit in the process of Love. Your soul has to be in it too. I mean, what goes on our Valentine's Day cards? Pictures of your Soul? No. It is hearts that go on the cards or are turned into candies. No one really even knows what your Soul looks like, but it's there. The Soul is what colors your perceptions, your choices, it colors YOU. For example, the Soul drives you to follow your Heart. Without the guidance of your Soul what point is there? The Bible is right when it says "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?" The Soul is also your passion, your drive to do something. It is what motivates you to take those breath-taking moments and turn them into moments that last forever. That's why, when you find the one you are meant to be with forever, they are your SOUL-MATE! Because YOUR Soul is looking for it's other half, it's reason for existing. When you find the one, your soul knows it before your heart, because it recognizes the other half that makes it whole. Everyone has a SOUL-MATE! I believe this. And sometimes, its not a romantic soul-mate either. My cousin, Judy-Marie, is my Platonic Soul-Mate. Meaning, we aren't going to one day get married or anything like that. She completes the part of me that desires friendship and companionship other than Romantic. This is a GOOD THING. Besides, one cannot have Romance without a friendship of some kind.

Third is your MIND. If you are truly planning on spending the rest of your life with someone, you have to be prepared to hand over the above and your Mind. (Warning: Cheesiness ahead) A Mind is a terrible thing to waste (Hey, I warned you!) and why waste your intelligence and your innermost thoughts on someone who isn't going to appreciate them? Why would I want to waste my time with someone who won't even listen to me?! Your Mind is important, because you use it to think and to feel and connect with others. If you have Heart and Soul, but no Mind, then you aren't really enjoying the full capacity of LOVE. Being able to open up your Mind and share it with someone is a very precious gift. And Love is about being OPEN-MINDED! It is about allowing others to think and express themselves, while you think and express yourself! Being able to talk for hours about anything without being afraid of the topic or what the other might think is a good sign that you can share your Mind.

And last, but most definitely NOT least, is your BODY. This is usually where most people make their fatal mistake. They don't realize that there is SO MUCH MORE to Love than just sexuality and body chemistry. As I explained above, there are 3 other things that you need to consider before taking this giant leap with the Body. Your Body is SPECIAL. You receive only ONE when you arrive on this planet called Earth, so it is important to save it, take care of it and treat it with respect. Now, I'm not going to tell you this is where you should save yourself until you are married. That is a personal decision that should be made on your own because of what YOU Believe. Not because of something that I wrote in a blog. For me, I had to define marriage for myself. What is marriage? What does it mean to me? And then, move forward with that question. Once again, that is ME. YOU may think and feel and believe differently. But in today's society everything is defined by SEX. And SEX is NOT LOVE. Sex is a PART of Love, but it isn't the whole thing. Giving your body to someone else in this way not only is one of the BIGGEST signs of trust and love, but is also a MAJOR decision. Which is why you don't want to just give yourself away to anything with a Penis or anything with a Vagina. I am not trying to criticize anyone who has already lost their virginity, I just want to make that clear. While I do believe that it is beautiful and important, that doesn't mean that I'm cold and unfeeling and going to condemn you to hell. I believe that when you find the person who has your heart and your soul, who you can share your mind with, that's when it is the time to share your body.

In fact, all of what I have just written, is my definition of a Marriage. When you realize that someone has your heart, your soul has found it's other half and you can share your mind in all it's craziness, that's when you have found the person to share all of you with. Marriage is about giving your everything and working hard to keep it going, and when you have that, it doesn't matter if you have a piece of paper or a big diamond ring or a wedding. What matters is that you have found the half that makes you whole and you are able to enjoy the full benefits of LOVE as a four-letter word.

Post-Script: This blog has been brought to you today by the Letters V and F, as in Valentine and February. It was also brought to you by the Number 14 as in a date in February that might have something to do with a Valentine.

Love is a Four-Letter Word (dA)

Thu Jan 29, 2009, 4:40 PM

* Mood: Yearning
* Listening to: Ghost - Gackt (CHECK IT OUT!!)
* Reading: Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte
* Watching: Benny and Joon
* Playing: Fallout 3 (because it makes me smile!)
* Eating: Ramen (like always)
* Drinking: Sody Pop!

There is a reason LOVE is a four-letter word. Not because it is "bad" like other 4-letter words (e.g. hell, damn, etc...) or because the Gods of the English language demand it. LOVE is a four-letter word because it takes 4 of the most important pieces of the Human Self for it to work.

First off, I'm sure many of you know what I am about to say, it takes your HEART. Without your heart, not only would you Physically die, but you would also die Metaphorically. Let me explain. The Heart (or the Organ of Love, whichever you so prefer) is how we express the depth of emotion we are feeling. When we are fervent in belief, we believe with all of our HEART. Not our toes, not our Gallbladder, our Heart. When we are devastated by some tragedy, our HEART is broken. When you love someone, you aren't JUST giving them your time or yourself, you are also giving them your Heart. For them to break or keep safe, for them to cherish or forget. That part of you that longs to love and be loved in return is pumping blood through out your system every second.

The second of the four is your SOUL. Quite often the Heart gets TOO much credit in the process of Love. Your soul has to be in it too. I mean, what goes on our Valentine's Day cards? Pictures of your Soul? No. It is hearts that go on the cards or are turned into candies. No one really even knows what your Soul looks like, but it's there. The Soul is what colors your perceptions, your choices, it colors YOU. For example, the Soul drives you to follow your Heart. Without the guidance of your Soul what point is there? The Bible is right when it says "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?" The Soul is also your passion, your drive to do something. It is what motivates you to take those breath-taking moments and turn them into moments that last forever. That's why, when you find the one you are meant to be with forever, they are your SOUL-MATE! Because YOUR Soul is looking for it's other half, it's reason for existing. When you find the one, your soul knows it before your heart, because it recognizes the other half that makes it whole. Everyone has a SOUL-MATE! I believe this. And sometimes, its not a romantic soul-mate either. My cousin, Judy-Marie, is my Platonic Soul-Mate. Meaning, we aren't going to one day get married or anything like that. She completes the part of me that desires friendship and companionship other than Romantic. This is a GOOD THING. Besides, one cannot have Romance without a friendship of some kind.

Third is your MIND. If you are truly planning on spending the rest of your life with someone, you have to be prepared to hand over the above and your Mind. (Warning: Cheesiness ahead) A Mind is a terrible thing to waste (Hey, I warned you!) and why waste your intelligence and your innermost thoughts on someone who isn't going to appreciate them? Why would I want to waste my time with someone who won't even listen to me?! Your Mind is important, because you use it to think and to feel and connect with others. If you have Heart and Soul, but no Mind, then you aren't really enjoying the full capacity of LOVE. Being able to open up your Mind and share it with someone is a very precious gift. And Love is about being OPEN-MINDED! It is about allowing others to think and express themselves, while you think and express yourself! Being able to talk for hours about anything without being afraid of the topic or what the other might think is a good sign that you can share your Mind.

And last, but most definitely NOT least, is your BODY. This is usually where most people make their fatal mistake. They don't realize that there is SO MUCH MORE to Love than just sexuality and body chemistry. As I explained above, there are 3 other things that you need to consider before taking this giant leap with the Body. Your Body is SPECIAL. You receive only ONE when you arrive on this planet called Earth, so it is important to save it, take care of it and treat it with respect. Now, I'm not going to tell you this is where you should save yourself until you are married. That is a personal decision that should be made on your own because of what YOU Believe. Not because of something that I wrote in a journal. For me, I had to define marriage for myself. What is marriage? What does it mean to me? And then, move forward with that question. Once again, that is ME. YOU may think and feel and believe differently. But in today's society everything is defined by SEX. And SEX is NOT LOVE. Sex is a PART of Love, but it isn't the whole thing. Giving your body to someone else in this way not only is one of the BIGGEST signs of trust and love, but is also a MAJOR decision. Which is why you don't want to just give yourself away to anything with a Penis or anything with a Vagina. I am not trying to criticize anyone who has already lost their virginity, I just want to make that clear. While I do believe that it is beautiful and important, that doesn't mean that I'm cold and unfeeling and going to condemn you to hell. I believe that when you find the person who has your heart and your soul, who you can share your mind with, that's when it is the time to share your body.

In fact, all of what I have just written, is my definition of a Marriage. When you realize that someone has your heart, your soul has found it's other half and you can share your mind in all it's craziness, that's when you have found the person to share all of you with. Marriage is about giving your everything and working hard to keep it going, and when you have that, it doesn't matter if you have a piece of paper or a big diamond ring or a wedding. What matters is that you have found the half that makes you whole and you are able to enjoy the full benefits of LOVE as a four-letter word.

Post-Script: This journal has been brought to you today by the Letters V and F, as in Valentine and February. It was also brought to you by the Number 14 as in a date in February that might have something to do with a Valentine.

Monday, January 26, 2009

been a while...

Hey everyone!!
It's been a while since I just wrote to tell everyone how it was going, so that is what this blog is going to be.

Things are going pretty well. Donnie moved in with us on Saturday. He has been wanting to move out for a while now, but apparently he and his uncle got into a MASSIVE argument and he said he was tired of it. I feel kind of bad for his Grandma, because I know she has to feel kind of in the middle with it. Torn between her son and her grandson. Kind of like how my mom was caught between Wes (her husband) and Chris (her son), so I understand her dilemma.

I don't think he will stay long. I know he wants to live with me, but at the same time, I know he will think things through and realize that he wants to live with his Grandma for a while longer, no matter how much his Uncle pisses him off.

My poor sister, Hannah, is sick today, so I'm baby-sitting. As always, it is an interesting experience. Then I get to go home and spend time with the boyfriend before heading to the Monroe County Public Library, then off to play practice. Yes, folks, thats right, another play.

This one is "Salome" by Oscar Wilde. And my poem, "Salome" is going to be in the program for the play!! Its also going to be part of the press release!! I'm so excited about that!! And I'm making a lot of new friends, which is nice.

2 songs everyone should totally listen to would be "Homecoming" by Hey Monday and "Never Alone" by BarlowGirl. I am TOTALLY IN LOVE with these songs.

Oh, btw, never read Twilight. Will rant about that later. For now, I'm going to watch another Family Guy episode with my baby girl. Oh, one last thing, Bethany got me the most awesome present ever!! A MARILYN MONROE CALENDAR!!! *SQUEE*

EDIT: Sorry, everyone, it was a POSTER, not a Calendar that Bethany got me. Ryan got me the Calendar!! lol

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Swept off my feet... (dA)

Sat Jan 24, 2009, 2:44 PM

* Mood: Disgust
* Listening to: I hate this Part - The Pussycat Dolls

I fucking hate stupid fucking "Twilight"... Thought you all might like to know. I don't care if you like it, thats fine. Just don't tell me about it. Because I DO NOT CARE!!!

I am so tired of these tweens and teens telling me how "wonderful" the books are and how "gorgeous" Edward Cullen is. DUDE!! I DO NOT CARE!!

First of all, the book was written by a Mormon woman, so there is a LOT of Mormon Ideology in the books (I have no problem with the Mormons on a personal level, but when they start writing things that have their ideology that will directly affect a CHILD, I get a little pissy). Secondly it portrays this dangerous/co-dependent/stalkerish/abusive relationship as being a beautiful and desirable thing. IT ISN'T!! It is NOT sweet if a guy breaks into your house EVERY NIGHT to watch you sleep. It is NOT wonderful that he follows you everywhere you go just so he can "protect" you. Protect you from WHAT?!

AND WHAT THE HOLY FUCK IS UP WITH STUPID SPARKLY VAMPIRES?! That almost killed Sparkly for me altogether. Its okay though, because all I do is imagine my beautiful Pata in his awesome Sparkly Pants and my love is renewed, but SERIOUSLY? Sparkly Vampires?! Does the author know nothing of Vampire mythology?! Not to mention that I know some people who have been in Vampire Cults.

Then of course, I am a PB (Pedantic Bitch), I like sentences that are structured and I pay close attention to spelling and punctuation. I know that this doesn't always show in my journals, but when I'm reading, its what I look at.

The woman can't spell, she has these horrific sentences that make NO SENSE and she directly contradicts herself in several places. What did the editor do when this was presented to them? Sit with their thumb up their ass?! Not only that, she tries to act so intelligent by using the thesaurus on her computer to chose words related to what she is saying so that Edward's hair is Reddish-Brown, Bronze and another colour. These aren't even related! Bronze isn't Reddish-Brown. It is a golden-brown. And don't even get me started on how the only thing she talks about the entire book is how beautiful Edward is. WHO CARES?!

AND the only plot for almost the entire book is Edward and Bella's fucked up relationship!

Okay. I'm done ranting for now. I have been forced into reading said book because I was told I couldn't diss it unless I'd read it. I'm reading it. I hate it.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Off my kick.... (dA)

Fri Jan 23, 2009, 12:44 PM

* Mood: Hungry
* Listening to: Homecoming - Hey Monday
* Reading: The Phantom of the Opera - Gaston Leroux
* Watching: A Knight's Tale
* Eating: NOTHING!! *cry*

Yes, its true, I'm off my Britney Spears kick. For now... *evil laughter*

Posted a new poem. EH, it isn't that good. But it will work, I suppose.

Stupid library computers....

Read "Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger for the first time yesterday.

It was full of awesome. READ IT!! You know you want to!!

By the way, yesterday was the 1 year anniversary of Heath Ledger's tragic death. To commemorate I tried to watch one of his movies... I have yet to finish any of his movies since he died. *sigh*


Stupid fucking library computers... *sigh*

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Salome (200th post) (MySpace)

The moon, like the waning smile of a dead woman, floats above
the clouds; untouched, unfettered. Below her cold chastity pours
forth the divination of prophets, terrible words drifting up to the
ears of princesses.

She dances, pale and beautiful, her heart entranced by a stranger
perfume than she has known. She twirls faster and faster, fire
flooding her veins. The words, blasphemous and beautiful, tempt
her, seduce her.

His body is pure, his voice strong, his mouth filled with a bitter
sweetness. And though he refuses her body, for it is sin; her
mouth, for it is cursed; her love, for it is profane; she suffers him
to be kissed with poisoned lips.

"Suffer me to touch thy lips," she says, her words drenched with
lust and honey. Warmth entwines with cooling flesh, breath
caressing an airless mouth, a kiss that only death could endure. Is
it love or blood she tastes on those chilling lips?

She dances, pale and beautiful, dreaming of a kiss and enamored with
a dead man's lips. Her passion, like an icy fire, burns within her breast,
flowing out of her as she tilts. Like precious rubies, her blood stains
the ground, falling like the reddest of rose petals against ivory skin.

And only a bloody moon and fading stars stand in recognition to a
headless lover and a fallen Salome.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Unusual You

So, I've been listening to a lot of Britney Spears lately... Yes, I know. I don't need any more flak, thanks.

You know, I'm tired of people bashing my boyfriend when I'm right there. Yeah, you know who you are. Not only does it hurt my feelings, but it PISSES me off. No, I can't say it to your face. You are my friend, but you know what? I love him. Can't you at least be happy for me?!

If you are going to bash him, then go elsewhere. I don't want to hear it anymore

Unusual You by Britney Spears is so pretty. It is so sad and it reminds me of him. I keep expecting him to break my heart, but he hasn't yet. I still feel like i'm trapped in a very strange dream. A good dream, but very strange. I feel shiny and broken and empty and full. I don't know.

I'm afraid that at any moment I'll wake up to find that I'm stuck in the same situations I was before.

Are we ever truly awake? Or are we just existing within someone else's dream? What happens when they wake up?

Falling Down (dA)

Sun Jan 18, 2009, 4:19 PM

* Mood: Hurt
* Listening to: If U Seek Amy - Britney Spears
* Reading: Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte

Hey everybody!

Its been an exhaustive few days. (Can it have only been 10 days ago that I wrote last?)

I got to see my boyfriend for awhile. That was good. I had missed him, very much. Unfortunately it seems I have been a little overly emotional recently and so I spent what seems like most of our time together crying. Don't worry, I'm fine. Or will be anyway.

I fell down today. The first time I've fallen all winter. I'll be okay, but I hurt!! :cry:

Have I mentioned that I fucking hate library computers? They suck!! Internet will be turned on as soon as I have the moneys... speaking of...

Still haven't received when I'm supposed to start work or what my hours will be. Went ahead and auditioned. it was lots of fun. I am a part in the ensemble. I wanted Herodias, but with my schedule being uncertain that wasn't plausible. :shrug:

Still on a Britney Spears kick... *sigh* Oh well.

I miss everybody... and a certain someone whose name shall go unmentioned *cough*DaYog*cough* should call me sometime!!!! I MISSES HIM!!! :hug: DaYog.

later fellows, I'm off on another bit of spastic.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Job... (dA)

Thu Jan 8, 2009, 7:10 PM

* Mood: Apprehensive
* Listening to: Circus - Britney Spears
* Reading: Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte

I might have a job... I might start as soon as Tuesday or Wednesday. Unfortunately it would be as a cashier. And I'm freaking out, because I want a job, but at the same time I don't want one that is full time... because then i'm not going to have time for anything else and I really REALLY want to get back into acting, which i haven't done in months.

Not to mention that i'll be to tired to do anything else. *sigh*

I wanted a job though.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A depressing sort of day... (dA)

Tue Jan 6, 2009, 7:32 PM

* Mood: Depressed
* Listening to: Shattered - Britney Spears
* Reading: Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte

It has been one of those days. UGH!! The kind of day that no one EVER wants to happen, but happens anyway, because the world seems to HATE YOUR GUTS!

I knew it was going to be bad when I woke up at 1:40am, feeling like I had bugs crawling in my eyebrows. Then finding that there was something on my forehead just above my eyebrow.

Vaulting from the bed I flicked on the light and saw there was nothing but a little fuzz. This was followed by a thorough check of my head and then trudging back to bed. Once back in bed, I lay there, listening to my music blaring, trying to picture myself drifting back to sleep. I tried to imagine his arms wrapped around me and the world slipping away into a lovely dream. Maybe a dream featuring Marilyn Monroe or Pink ponies and rainbows :shrug: A girl has to dream of those pink ponies every now and again.

Unfortunately, this tactic didn't work and I remained awake until sometime after 3:30am.

Around 4am I was roused by the sound of someone leaving my room. As we had a break-in scare about a month ago, I was WIDE AWAKE in a flash. I waited for the figure to leave, then cautiously got up from my bed to check things out. I thought, for a moment, that it might be my brother who sometimes sleep walks.

When I went to check on him, I noticed one key difference betwixt him and my intruder: He wasn't wearing shorts. I quietly ventured to my mother's room and whispered,


No response. A little louder,


Then, in the dark, my eyes focus and note that my mother is NOT in her bed.

I find her in front of the washer and dryer, wearing a pair of shorts.

"Mom," I asked. "Were you just in my room?"

Her casual reply was yes, that she had been in my room, because apparently my music was to loud and it was driving her crazy. So, it was another hour to calm myself to go back to sleep from that.

Then I over-slept (I was supposed to go and work for my aunt today), because my mom didn't wake me. Yes, I have an alarm, but I only try to get up when she does, because otherwise I'm up FOREVER (or so it seems) before we are finally ready to go.

Once again, I vault off my bed and rush across the hall to her room. She is calm and says she knows what time it is and that it had been raining ice this morning, so she was waiting before we would go. I asked if she had called my aunt to tell her (because Auntie worries like MAD if she doesn't hear from us, especially on bad weather mornings). Her reply? No, because her cell is out of minutes. As is mine. And my brother's hasn't been set up yet, because T-Mobile is a BITCH!

So from here it is a shower (one for Chris and one for myself). My hair is in an impossible tangle and I spend approximately 45 minutes trying to brush it out. I finally get it smooth enough to part it and braid it. It tangled again as I parted it, so I had to brush for another 5 minutes.

It was Noon before we got to my Aunt's house. We were supposed to be there at 9-ish. *sigh*

I hurry through my work, because I was supposed to be at the book store (Book Heaven, Christian Book store, don't you know?) because some of my friends were going to visit, including my boyfriend.

I get to the bookstore and speak to friend #1.

"I would come, but my mom says no because of the weather."

Friend #2: "I don't have a ride and my mom won't be home until later. Sorry."

Boyfriend: "Sorry, love. Feeling a little down today and I just need some time to myself."

So, I hurried and got all dolled up (specifically for the boyfriend) only to have no one show up. So I change BACK into my work clothes and pretend like it doesn't piss me off that today has been shitty.

Then I realize that I'm getting a headache because I haven't eaten at ALL and it is almost 5pm.

My aunt takes us out for dinner at Pizza Hut, but by the time we get there and get food I am nauseated and can't really eat much.

Now, I am sitting here at the library and the only thing I don't have to complain about is the fact that some VERY NICE people favorited my latest poem. That made me smile :D <---- See? That's a smile.

And, yes, I'm still listening to Britney Spears... At least it isn't Enrique Iglesias.

That is All.

Devil in Blue Eyes

Can the devil reside in those sparkling blue eyes?
Can your empty truths be telling me lies?

Can this love be real, when I can see in your soul,
that all our diamonds have turned to coal?

Your breath, so warm and soft, it tears me apart.
Your voice, strong and gentle, cuts to my heart.

Love is just another four letter word,
as fleeting to you as a summer bird.

So why proclaim yourself falsely? Why destroy
what you once loved so fondly? Am I only a toy?

Can any love be left in the hearts of the dead?
Can any truth be found within this tangle of web?

Can I find what once lay behind those sparkling eyes?
A truth that once mattered more than the lies.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Gotten Tagged (AGAIN!) (dA)

Mon Jan 5, 2009, 6:27 PM

* Mood: Passionate
* Listening to: Shattered - Britney Spears
* Reading: Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte
* Eating: wishing I was...

I was Tagged by... ~dDaAVV (and I am totally hating him for that!!! jk!)

The Rules are....
#2.tell 8 things about yourself and Put it in your journal
#3.Then you have to tag 8 people you know and tell them they been tagged

so here it goes...

1. I am desperately in love with BioShock! It totally rocks my socks.
2. I would go lesbian for Marilyn Monroe
3. I am addicted to Strawberry Pocky
4. I am only 5 feet 2 inches tall
5. I really like Britney Spears' newest cd, which is weird, because normally I hate her music.
6. I want to have my 21st birthday party in Japan
7. I am part Cherokee, Irish, Scottish, German and Dutch.
#8. I LOVE my boyfriend!

and last, but certainly not least

Friday, January 2, 2009

A side note...

Hey everyone!! Happiest of New Year's!!! Hope everyone had a great New Year's Eve, it was pretty good for me.

I just wanted to let everyone know that my mom's divorce finalized on New Year's Eve and she started off the New Year officially divorced. She has joint legal custody of Hannah and she starts paying $17 child support this Friday. She says it is the right thing to do, since Hannah is her child. I don't think its fair, since Wes makes $900 a week, but whatever. She is a better person for it, I suppose.

Here's to the New Year.

WELCOME (with open arms and open heart) 2009!!

A breath apart

Gently, he covered her ears, as if he meant to protect her from the world's voices. He waited a moment, then continued to gently cradle her head so that their lips met. His breath was soft against her burning cheek, his lips grazing against her flushed skin. His caress tenderly drifted over her face, his eyes locked on her own sparkling orbs. Intoxicated by his arms, she felt as though her limbs had been inspired with liquid fire, racing through her veins at a break-neck speed.

Within his embrace she felt secure, holding him tightly, unwilling to let go. Carefully he disentangled their fevered beings, allowing the space to grow between them. Soon the space began to fill with things that had never mattered before, things that would never matter again. It grew until they were unable to reach across the divide, their fingertips barely grazing. It continued to grow until she could no longer see him across the expanse, it grew until she could no longer recognize him.

Alone, he wondered how they got there. How could one moment cause such a rift? They had opened themselves up to the universe, experienced what only the soul could appreciate. He imagined a bridge, drawing them closer, pulling her back into his arms. They had opened themselves up so that they had disappeared. She finds something in another man's arms, though inside she knows it isn't the same. She searched, never finding what she missed, knowing that it will never be in this fling's kiss. What once inspired fire only inspires icy pain.

In chairs, facing back to back, he reaches for her hand. He finds only empty air. He lets on tear escape, though he knows big boys don't cry. She reaches for his heart, but finds it locked, she fumbles for a key and finds none are there. She screams into the silence, knowing deep inside that he can't hear. She stands behind the glass, watching him pass her by, knowing that nothing can fix the emptiness, knowing she once loved him. He pauses a moment, glancing back to see her clawing at her glass cage, knowing he can't reach her, knowing he once loved her.

Now all that exists for him is the ache in his heart, the dull pain in those arms that crave her. The metallic click hardly resonates, barely moves him. The flash of heat, iron melds with bone, searing his nerves in pain and blood. He slumps in his chair, his eyes flutter, his last thought is on her. All that mattered disappeared with him, she wonders if it was ever there to begin with. The scrape of wood against wood sends a final shiver down her spine, a single tear rolling down her cheek. She struggles to breathe, the lights within begin to flicker. Her mind is on him.

Separated by an ocean's expanse and only a breath apart.

Happiest of New Years!! (dA)

Fri Jan 2, 2009, 4:44 PM

* Mood: Passionate
* Listening to: Kill the Lights - Britney Spears
* Reading: Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte
* Watching: The Clock

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! :hug: all around!

This year's resolutions are to:
~ Lose more weight. I am so tired of being the "fat girl" Time to change that!
~ Welcome this year with open arms and an open heart. To experience everything there is, good or bad. To learn from my mistakes and accept the fact that I can't change everything. Time to stand up and admit that I am NOT God.
~ Letting go of all the hurt, the anger and the pain.

It was a good start to the year,

On New Year's Eve I watched a show on Torture Devices with Donnie. We were all snuggled up on the couch watching them talk about the Pear of pain, the Iron Maiden, the Wicker Man and various other scary machines. It was really romantic, I thought. :XD: Then again, a walk through the graveyard strikes me as romantic too.

My mom's divorce finalized at 3:30pm on New Year's Eve, so she got to start the New Year as single. She wants to get us all into counseling, which is a good idea. I look forward to losing the baggage of 2008.

Plus, I had my first poem of 2009 yesterday, so I'm happy! :dance:

WELCOME 2009!!