Monday, December 8, 2008

Okay, not so fairwell for now... (dA)

Journal Entry: Mon Dec 8, 2008, 3:05 PM

* Mood: Tense
* Listening to: Wall to Wall - Chris Brown
* Eating: Ramen
* Drinking: Strawberry Kool-Aid

Mom says she is going to turn off the cable and the internet on Friday, because she gets paid then and can pay for last month's usage.

Oh and did I mention that I got lice? No? Yes. Shortly after I posted yesterday's journal, I was sitting with my boyfriend and I saw a bug crawling on his shirt where I had just being laying my head. It was a louse. I freaked.

He says it could be a different bug, one that just looks like a louse. He checks my hair and says that he doesn't see a damn thing. I scratch my head a moment later and get one under my fingernail. I start screaming and crying and going into hysterics. (It is probably good to note at this time that I've discovered that I'm parasitophobic)

So, to try and calm me, my mom checked me too. She didn't see anything. Donnie checked me again. Nothing. But I was still freaking out, so we dyed my hair Burgundy. After my shower to rinse my hair I found a dead one. I gave it to Donnie to show that I wasn't going insane and he showed it to my mom. So it was official, I had lice.

Then this morning mom found more lice in the sink and on my hairbrush. So I need to re-dye my roots again (because they didn't hold anyway) and see if that helps. *sigh* When does it all end?!

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