So we're going with a NO on the whole imaculate conception... that's good.
Sarai says:
Fawny says:
Yeah I kinda figured as much.
Sarai says:
If i was preggo something would be terribly wrong
Fawny says:
Nah, it would just mean I lost out in the running to carry the next Anti-Christ... I'd be pretty heartbroken... in fact I am now going to do a little happy dance to signify my still being in the running and all...
Fawny says:
Fawny says:
Fawny says:
Happy dance...
Sarai says:
LOL!!! *dies laughing*
Sarai says:
so blogging that right there
Fawny says:
How are you going to blog my happy dance... the blog would kinda lose it's magic without my happy dance... it would make me all cry faced...
Fawny says:
Fawny says:
Fawny says:
Cry faced...
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