Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Moving and over 9,000 views (dA)

* Mood: Tense
* Listening to: Brand New Lover - Dead or Alive
* Reading: Love Letters of Great Women
* Watching: My world get turned upside down
* Playing: Dragon Age Origins

So, first off, I want to say thank you to everyone who has looked at my page so that my views have crested 9,000. ^^ It is greatly appreciated and expect some new stuff soon. ^^

Moving: SUCKS.

Just saying. lol. We got the washing machine, the dryer and almost all the dirty clothes moved out today. All the food is packed up, except what is in the fridge. I started cleaning out the bathroom, but it is a slow process since I can't get on my knees to scrub. But, its all good. I have a mop. Yep, A MOP. :D

I've been trying to throw stuff out that we no longer need. Like Fels Naptha Bar Laundry Soap. Yep, a BAR of laundry soap. That I've had, inexplicably, for 6 years.

Donnie and I might have a place to move, but I need to look into it a bit more. Its only a little way from where I crashed my car, across from the cemetery. That thought alone stops my heart in my chest and makes it do funny flips. It saddens me that a place that used to comfort me now provokes such anguish and terror inside of me.

It is a one bedroom house. Only $425 a month (Water and Sewage included). That isn't bad for a place in this town. They usually jack all the prices up so they can drain the College students.

I need to finish cleaning the bathroom, but I keep putting it off because I don't want to move. Well, I want to move, but not right back in with my mom. And I don't mind her new husband, but I don't know him that well. I mean, hell, Donnie knows him better than I do!

Anyway, I'm going to stop my bitchin' and get to work. We have to be out by tomorrow night


Monday, July 26, 2010

Moving to the Sticks (dA)

* Mood: Tired
* Listening to: Playing with Fire - Paula Seling & Ovi
* Playing: Dragon Age Origins
* Drinking: Coca-Cola

So this week begins moving in with my mom and her new husband. Still have yet to find a job. But I applied at Target and Murphy's Oil Station today, so I'll give a call tomorrow. I'm also going to call Macy's and pester them until they give me a job.

I'm on a Eurovision kick right now. ^^

I burst the blood vessels in my face and eyes today. That was great fun. I was working for my Aunt Peggy (for the first time in a while) and I went to take my inhaler (because I'm asthmatic) and apparently there was something in it. So when I breathed in I inhaled whatever it was. I think it was a bug. XP

Anyway, I coughed (almost hacked up a lung or three) and gagged. I tried to throw up to get it out, but it wouldn't come (gross I know). In the end I chugged two bottles of water to get whatever it was to go down. My throat still hurts and it looks like I have blood freckles and like my eyes are bleeding. Luckily most of the burst vessels in my eyes are beneath my eyelids so I don't look demonic like I did this one time... But that is a story for another day.

Good News: I got to work for my Aunt Peggy today. I feel accomplished.

Bad News: I burst the blood vessels in my face and gave myself a stellar headache.

Good News: We visited with Donnie's Grandma.

Bad News: Donnie has been teasing me about my "polka dots" since he came to pick me up.

Good News: There was a gay guy at Barnes and Noble who totally went "rawr" with the hand motion and EVERYTHING! God that was fucking hysterical.

Bad News: I think I'm going to have to scrap my Cupcake idea. My Kitchen isn't state approved. This makes me sad faced :( See, sad faced!

Good News: I love Dragon Age Origins.

That is all.

Friday, July 23, 2010

No Job. (dA)

* Mood: Rejected
* Drinking: Coca-Cola

I did not get hired for Macy's. Which sucks bollocks, but oh well. Back to the drawing board.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Point

Is there a point to living? A point to being alive? I don't think there is.

I'm listening to 21 Guns by Green Day. Getting ready to go in for an interview. I want this job so bad. I need a job so bad. Since the depression of my last job has faded a little, I think I can survive.

What is the point of even writing this? No one reads my blogs anymore anyway.

Interview (dA)

* Mood: Insecure
* Listening to: How Do You Tell Someone - Cowboy Mouth
* Drinking: Coca-Cola

in a little less than 2 hours I have an interview at Macy's. I'm nervous and kind of procrastinating because of said nervousness. I need to get into the shower and get ready, but I want to listen to 21 Guns by Green Day.

Still wanting to do the cupcake business. I have to finish figuring out all the details for it first. I think I need permits and such things before I can do it.

Anyway, no new poetry right now. Which I find depressing. I seem to have lost my mojo, baby. lol. Couldn't resist that bit.

Also, I need to exercise... I didn't end up doing it last night because I was feeling really under the weather. But today I plan on remedying that. The goal is to be skinny by the time I get married. Sound good? I thought so.

All for now lovelies, feel free to watch old episodes of Sarai's Crazy Show on YouTube and to look over my old poetry.

Din Sarai

Monday, July 19, 2010

Cupcakes! (dA)

* Mood: Cheerful
* Watching: Spongebob Squarepants
* Eating: Pizza

So Sarai has had a brilliant idea! Yep, I'm thinking about starting a business selling cupcakes around Campus. Since I live in a college town.

I have gathered some Cupcake recipes from the net and I'm going to take a free starting a new business class online!

If you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to comment!! I hope this works! :D

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Skin. (dA)

* Mood: Approval
* Listening to: Frozen - Celldweller
* Playing: Eurydice in Antigone
* Drinking: Lemonade

So, I was re-reading my short story "Skin" and I realized that I totally love that particular piece. I think it is one of the best writings I've ever done... I am, dare I say it? Proud of myself for something! :O Tis, quite strange. Anyway, if you want to read it, feel free to go to the link


See? Link. ^^ Anyway, I really love my transitioning. And the fact that it caught several people off guard when they read it.

Anyway, that's all. I'm done being self-appreciative. I figure I'm allowed one day where I don't diss everything I do.

Have an interview with Macy's on Tuesday. Doc's appointment on Wednesday. Work at the Book Store on Thursday and Saturday. Saturday have a tattoo/b-day party for a friend of mine. Oh and Monday I have to go fill out applications in case I don't get hired on to Macy's on Tuesday.

Plus have to officially start getting everything packed up as we have to be out of the apartment by August 1st.

It is really late, I should go to bed. Good night everyone! More later!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Les Aventures de Sarai (dA)

* Mood: Tired
* Listening to: Already Gone - Kelly Clarkson
* Reading: Perfume - Patrick Suskind
* Playing: Eurydice in Antigone
* Eating: Chicken Stew
* Drinking: Coca-Cola

I don't know why I am writing, except that I wanted to.

I also don't know why I made the title of this "The Adventures of Sarai" in French. That is weird, but I wanted to. :shrug:

I have a story idea. It will be called "The Rose Goddess".


Saturday, July 10, 2010

Exhaustion is Exhausting. (dA)

* Mood: Tired
* Listening to: Whataya Want from Me - Adam Lambert
* Reading: Perfume - Patrick Suskind
* Playing: Eurydice in Antigone
* Eating: Cinnamon Roll Pudding (it is AWESOME)
* Drinking: Coca-Cola

As some of you may or may not know (meaning only DaYog knows, because I've not been doing my duty by my viewers) I am in a play right now. Which is why I've not been doing much. I am physically and mentally drained.

Yesterday was our first performance and today we had two performances. We sucked. Reason? My director's insist on taking on children or people with deficiencies, providing ZERO structure and then giving us four weeks to put together a show. Cue shitty play.

Anyway, I have managed to hurt myself all three performances. And now I'm just exhausted and I'm mad because the reason I do these plays is because I enjoy acting and because it is relaxing. I enjoy it. This hasn't been a fun experience for me at all and after this I'm going on hiatus as far as acting is concerned. Which breaks my heart, but I can't do it.

I want a break from my life and acting used to be that, but it is pretty sad when my life is less stressful than the play.

I have begun my book review blog, by the way. Haven't monetized it yet, as I'm trying to build up entries and viewers. There is no point of monetizing if I don't have any traffic at all. So, if you feel like going there is a link somewhere ( and I look forward to any comments you might have (since you can comment even if you don't have a blogspot).

And now I think I'm going to go to bed as my girl friend (who might become my girlfriend [see how I closed the space!]) hasn't shown up and I'm exhausted.


Sunday, July 4, 2010

Monetization (dA)

* Mood: Tired
* Listening to: Damaged - Danity Kane
* Reading: Shalador's Lady - Anne Bishop
* Drinking: Coca-Cola

I have decided to become a professional blogger.

There, I said it. I love blogging so much that I want to do it professionally. Unfortunately I don't quite know how to go about it. But I am bound and determined that I'm going to do it.

So, I started up a new blog. Because that is what several websites told me to pick a topic I could talk about all the time. So I picked books. So far I have 3 book reviews up and two that I'm working on.

You can find these reviews here:

I need help however, if you have any book suggestions or suggestions on how to actually get my blog monetized or just a suggestion in general they would be greatly welcomed.

So, for the love of Sarai, please help me!!

Also, I love going to the gay bar... >.>