Thursday, May 27, 2010

Causing a fair bit of stirring. (dA)

* Mood: Frustrated
* Listening to: Carry Out
* Reading: The Secrets of Jin-Shei
* Drinking: Strawberry Kool-Aid

Okay, as most of you know already, I am very outspoken about politics and things of that nature. I voted for Obama and am VERY proud of it, because it was the change I wanted. Granted everything is in slow motion right now, but I think all in all he is doing the best he can and that people who are constantly bashing him have no idea what they are talking about.

SO I posted some of my feelings on Facebook (yeah, I have a facebook and am fairly addicted) and it has caused quite the stir. It is the first time I've ever really said what I thought about the whole situation and I even used some profanity (which I don't do on Facebook because I have Christian people who are my friends and I also have younger children). So here is what I wrote and let me know what you think on this topic.

"Sarai Lillie is tired of people bashing our president. First off, if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all (my mom taught me this). Secondly, you expect him to undo the 8 years of CRAP that Bush left us with in 2 years? Do you think you could do any better? I think not. So please, for the love of God, when you don't know what the hell you are talking about, SHUT YOUR MOUTH."

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