Thursday, September 23, 2010

Long Time No Blog

Hey Everyone out in MySpace land.

Yeah, I've not written in a while. I've been really depressed. I do this. I'm sure you noticed that there have been no new episodes of the crazy show or new blogs or the day. And even now I'm not working on it. I need to log in there though.

This is just a quick note to say I'm alive. And that I still exist.

This is also to say that I think its time. I don't know what it is time for, but it is time. I know it is. I feel it in my bones.

I'll let you know when I figure it out.

May the Darkness be Merciful.


22 (dA)

* Mood: Optimism
* Listening to: Fawny type. :D
* Reading: Dangerous Liasons
* Playing: Oblivion

For those of you who aren't in the know, I'm turning 22 on Saturday. I wish you guys lived near me so you could come to the the little party I'm apparently having. O.O

Anyway, Donnie has planned everything. I have no IDEA what is going on either. Isn't he sweet?

I DO know that I get cheesecake (with caramel swirls and chocolate drizzle) and that some of my friends are coming over around 7 or 7:30. That is it though. :shrug:

Also, I have no idea what Fawn has planned.

Anyway, I didn't get the job at the dry cleaners, got paid for my time, but that was it. Oh well.

And right now I'm writing an erotic story (which won't get posted on here, because I'm not about to expose my younger friends to my twisted mind) and a little story about a dream Fawn had, and something else, but right this second I don't even remember what it is! lol. :D

All for now :D

PS (NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN UNDER 18) [] This is what is happening in a circus, please send this to everyone you can so that maybe we can get it to stop.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Carrots the size of Your Forearm. (dA)

* Mood: Confused
* Listening to: Jenny Says - Cowboy Mouth
* Reading: The Invisible Ring
* Playing: Oblivion

So I have a job, sort of. I am in training at a place called Crosstown Cleaners and it is actually a Dry cleaners, Laundry Mat, Laundry Service, Delivery service and Korean Cafe. So my first day of training was on Sunday and I think I did fairly well.

I clean out the lint traps and I get to keep all the change I find! I made a whole 83 cents on Sunday! :D Also I peel and shred these fucking HUGE carrots. Like, literally the size of my forearm, except a little shorter. It was crazy.

Apparently they ONLY have these huge carrots in Korea. They don't have the normal sized carrots that we have here or baby carrots. The girl I was working with said its because they don't use carrots for Snacking. They just use them to cook. So they need a lot since one of their main dishes (Kim Bob) is mostly carrots. :shrug: Learning new things is fun.

Have some work today. 2 to 7. Luckily all the training is paid, so even if I don't get the job, I still get paid for my time. Nice huh?

Also I might be driving the delivery van, which makes me a little nervous, I've never driven a van like the one they have and I don't know exactly where I'm going, which is why I should be getting directions, but I don't know where to start! *sigh*

The book store I've been working at for the past 4 years is closing at the end of the month. I'm set to work the last day we are open. I am very sad about this actually. I don't know what I'll do with myself. But such is life. There are beginnings and endings and all of our endings are some sort of beginning.

And this weekend I am to going to see my godson and my friend Kendra. It is Corbin's second birthday and apparently he has the jump on the Terrible Twos. Poor Kendra. Poor me. :giggle: It should be fine.

Love to you all.